Capacity Canvas

Start (15m)

What to Expect

This "Working with A.I." course is designed to take 1 hour a day for 2 days. You'll be taking the course simultaneously with a virtual cohort.

It aims to give you an introduction to the high-level business, technical, and ethical considerations when choosing to apply automation with machine learning/artificial intelligence (A.I.) tools. Upon completion, you should feel confident in your ability to identify appropriate roles, tasks, and learning methods for A.I. in an organization. A.I. should feel less like a mysterious competitor, and more like a welcome partner.

Each of the two days consists of some A.I. demos, short reading, and work on your own custom A.I. Utilization Plan. For the best experience, please use Chrome or Firefox as your web browser while taking this course.


If you have not already signed up, please do so by filling out this form.

When you see text that looks like this, you've got an action to complete. Please complete it, then continue where you left off.

Please don’t forget to submit your work by either submitting the form or adding the file to the google drive folder shared with you as part of your invite to the course.

Please answer the survey questions below.

With the survey complete, you're ready to go! Please click "Day 1" at the top of this page to get started now. Good luck!
