Capacity Canvas

Day 2 (15m)

Dysfunctional Systems

We fix problems all the time. We get a flat tire and we patch it. We have an argument and then we apologize.

But fixes are not solutions. Fixes attempt to correct the immediate consequences, but they do little to prevent future occurrences. This is because many problems have their root in systemic problems. For instance, that flat tire may be bound to happen again because of the poor conditions of the road. The argument could return because of a repeated lack of communication.

On the other hand, a solution is preventative. It changes the system in such a way that it no longer naturally produces the problem. You could perform regular maintenance on the road, or change the design of the tires. Perhaps you might schedule time for conversation, or learn about the other person's expectations.

What is the difference between a fix and a solution?

The below clip talks a dysfunction of the housing system. As you listen, consider how quick fixes of lending more money only make real solutions more difficult.

Now it's your turn to identify a dysfunctional system:

What is a dysfunctional system that frustrates you and causes you problems?

What is a systemic problem personally affecting you that you would like to find a solution for? (You'll be thinking about this problem for the rest of the course, so make sure it matters to you)!

What are some "fixes" you have already tried to address the problem?

Challenge Questions