Capacity Canvas

Day 5 (15m)

Leverage Point 6

#6: Information Flows: The structure of who does and does not have access to information

Why do some restaurants display the calorie count of their menu items? Does it change what you order? Why does your phone display the amount of battery left? Does it change how you use your phone? Why does a fitness tracker display your steps? Does it make you exercise more? All these are examples of introducing new information flows into a system.

The below clip talks about how the fundamental problem with the internet is also its greatest feature. As you listen, consider:

What is the default “information flow” of the internet?

What are some of the consequences (good and bad) of having this default access to information?

The internet is a radical example of the free exchange of information. Most systems struggle to properly share information between all the parts. The parts have to operate with imperfect (and often delayed) information about the status of various stocks in the system.

What are a few specific ways you would change the access to information to help with your problem? How would you imagine your change to the flow of information would change the decision criteria for elements of the system?

Challenge Questions